Anytone At-d878uv Software Mac

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Anytone At-d878uv Software Mac 6,7/10 1471 votes

I recently acquired an AnyTone AT-D878UV DMRradiowhich is unfortunately not supported bychirp, my usualgo-to free software package for programming amateur radios.

Instead, I had to setup a Windows 10 virtual machine so that I could setupthe radio using the manufacturer's computer programming software (CPS).

Filename Size Date; 20190225 Anytone D878UV PC5E v1.10 MODE0000 - CHANGE DMR 2.32 MB: 2020-01-26: 20190407 Anytone D878UV PC5E v1.11 MODE0000 - CHANGE DMR ID and APRS

Install VirtualBox:

and add your user account to the vboxusers group:

Posted on June 2, 2019 June 2, 2019 Tags anytone, anytone 878, anytone at-d878uv, anytone d878uv, anytone dmr, anytone radio, dmr, dmr hotspot, dmr radio Code Plug Beginning This is a term that is foreign to Hams who are not familiar with Commercial Radios. Filename Size Date; 20190225 Anytone D878UV PC5E v1.10 MODE0000 - CHANGE DMR 2.32 MB: 2020-01-26: 20190407 Anytone D878UV PC5E v1.11 MODE0000 - CHANGE DMR ID.

to make filesharing before the host and the guest work.

Finally, reboot to ensure that group membership and kernel modules areall set.

Create a new Windows 10 virtual machine within VirtualBox. Then, download Windows10 fromMicrosoft then start the virtual machine mounting the .iso file as anoptical drive.

If your PC uses Windows 7 or previous versions, you will need to download and install the AnyTone AT-D878UV USB driver. How to install the AnyTone AT-D878UV programming software: Download the latest version of the programming software; Unzip the downloaded file; Right-click in the.exe install file; Connect the AT-D878UV USB cable to the radio. This update includes the latest Firmware update, Programming Software, Firmware Update Software, Windows Driver and etc. It also includes an Icon update. This Icon update appears to be the same version that was released on August 28, so it may not need to be installed, if you are up to date. The AnyTone AT-D878UV GPS DMR/Analog Radio is an incredible choice if you are looking for a technologically advanced radio filled with plenty of nice and cool features, including Bluetooth, durable structure, multiple DMR IDs, and roaming capability, making it a perfect solution for a hassle-free and easy means of communication.

Follow the instructions to install Windows 10, paying attention to thevarious privacy options you will beoffered.

Once Windows is installed, mount the host's/usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso as a virtual optical driveand install the VirtualBox guest additions.

With Windows fully setup, it's time to download the latest version of thecomputer programmingsoftware.

Unpack the downloaded file and then install it as Admin (right-click on the.exe).

Do NOT install the GD driver update or the USB driver, they do not appear tobe necessary. /degrader-vst-crack.html.

First, you'll want to download from the radio to get a starting configurationthat you can change.

To do this:

Anytone At-d878uv Software Mac Download

  1. Turn the radio on and wait until it has finished booting.
  2. Plug the USB programming cable onto the computer and the radio.
  3. From the CPS menu choose 'Set COM port'.
  4. From the CPS menu choose 'Read from radio'.

Save this original codeplug to a file as a backup in case you need toeasily reset back to the factory settings.

Making APRS Work On The AnyTone AT-D878UV

To program the radio, follow this handy third-partyguidesince it's much better than the official manual.

Anytone At-d878uv Software Mac Pro

You should be able to use the 'Write to radio' menu option without anyproblems once you're done creating your codeplug.